Purge Air Check Valve

Purge Air Check Valve

This unit is designed to operate continuously on a gas turbine engine with air temperature in excess of 400° F in the free flow direction and with liquid fuel, up to 1200 PSID and 250° F in the check direction. The zero leak check valves are designed to operate with fluids including stoddard solvent, jet fuels, hydraulic oil, synthetic oil, and air.

Design Features & Benefits 

Flow to 0.127 lbs/sec
Zero Leak in Check Direction
Operating Temperature to 600 °F
Stable Operation

Construction Materials

Stainless Steel

Product Specifications

Operating Pressure: 1200 PSIG
Inlet Pressure: 0 to 300 PSIG
Operating Temperature: 600 °F
Inlet Temperature: -40 °F to 400 °F
Flow Range: 0-0.0127 lbs/second
Check Pressure: 0 to 1225 PSID
Maximum Ambient Temperature: 400 °F 
Soak Temperature: 700 °F
Maximum Pressure Drop: 5 PSID
Pressure Drop Tolerance: 3 to 5 PSID
Crack Pressure: 1 PSID Max.
Leakage in Check Direction: Bubble tight
Contamination Level: 75 microns absolute 98.67%, 39 microns or less 4 mg/100ml


Part # Flow (lbs/sec) Crack Pressure (psid) Frame
101284-1 0-0.05 1.0 MAX 5B, 6P, 6DLNS
101265-1 0-0.06 1.0 MAX 7EA, 9E, 7FA, 9FA
101258-1 0-0.127 1.0 MAX 7FA-MW, 9FA, 6B-DLNP, 9E-MW
101232-2 0-0.06 1.0 MAX 7EA, 9E, 7FA, 9FA
101316-1 0-0.125 5.0 +/- 0.5 Standard Combustor
101336-1 0-0.125 5.0 +/- 0.5 Standard Combustor