Fuel Metering Valve (FMVA)

Fuel Metering ValveThis unit is a low cost, highly accurate derivative of the JASC aerospace valves. It is designed to meter gaseous fuels, such as natural gas, sour gas, butane, propane, or hydrogen. It can also be used to meter liquids such as gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, hydraulic oil, lube oil, or water.

Design Features & Benefits

24 VDC Motor Driven Pintle
Position Control using Optical Encoder
Bubble Tight Shut-off

Product Specifications

Frequency Response: 6 Hz @ -45° Phase Lag
Full Step Response: 180 milli-seconds
Hysteresis: Less than 2% of Full Scale
Threshold: Less than 1% of Point
Accuracy: Less than 2% of Point
Pressure: 0-300 PSIG
Temperature: -20 °F to +160 °F