False Start Drain Valve

False Start Drain ValveJASC has designed a False Start Drain Valve (FSDV) to drain liquid fuel from combustion can(s) of industrial gas turbine engines in the event there is a false start. Based upon JASC’s experience with other industrial gas turbine valves, the JASC FSDV was designed with the following goals in mind: operate reliably for extended periods of time in a hot (400°F) environment, maintain low leakage, be tolerant of water, rust, scale, coking and a variety of particle contamination.

To help accomplish these goals, the JASC FSDV features a straight through poppet design (1.00 in. ID) that minimizes pressure drop and presents an optimum path for flushing contamination from the valve when de-energized and protects the sealing surfaces during engine operation. The FSDV also incorporates a unique crush seal to maintain low leakage for extended periods of operation.

Design Features and Benefits

The valve is normally spring loaded open and can be actuated closed with compressor discharge pressure at 5-10 psig (up to 300 psig maximum) or can be actuated closed with instrument air from 80 to 120 psig. JASC has designed the valve as a drop in replacement for the existing OEM FSDV design, with either NPT or Swagelok connections.